What are the authors trying to find out (include their research hypothesis or research question(s))?How do the authors arrive at their findings(describe research methods)? What do the authors conclude about their study?

Critical Thinking Writing AssignmentThere are many myths and much misunderstanding about psychology. The purpose of this assignment is to think critically about a commonly held psychological belief that may in fact be false.50 such myths were identified by Lilienfeld, Lynn, Ruscio, & Beyerstein and are listed below.(1. First, select one myththat you want to investigate from the list below. 2. Then research the claim. Find three reputable sources of information. At least one source MUST BE a peer reviewed article from a psychology journal.You can access NWACC’s research databases from the NWACC Library’s website.3. Finally, write a 3-pageminimumdouble-spaced paper, following the directions given below. All sources must be cited appropriately.Address the following in your paper: IntroductionWhat is the myth you are looking into and why is this topic of interest? Article DescriptionsWhat does your research sayabout the topicrelated to the myth you chose? Include a summary of each of the three sources you chose.For the article from a psychology journal, describe the purpose of the research described in the article.What are the authors trying to find out (include their research hypothesis or research question(s))?How do the authors arrive at their findings(describe research methods)? What do the authors conclude about their study?
Critical Thinking What did you discover about the myth from your literature research?Did you confirm or debunk the myth? Why?Support your conclusion using evidence from the sources you used for this essay. Conclusion Has your belief changed? Could you say there was not enough evidence to debunk the myth orit appears as if there is some validity to the myth? If so, support your this statement using evidence suggesting why the myth may be valid.