What is a “Black Box” warning on a medication? Does the medication have a black box warning? You will need to research the medication on the Internet to obtain this information.

For each of the three individual prescription medications, please give the following information:
1. What is the name of the medication: Provide both Brand and generic names.
2. a. What is the medication used for? (What disease or condition does it treat?)
b. Does it have any “off label” or additional uses beyond what it is supposed to treat?
3. Discuss at least four (4) positive items about the drug for the patient.
4. What are 5 side effects of the medication? Which of these side effects are considered life threatening?
5. What is a “Black Box” warning on a medication? Does the medication have a black box warning? You will need to research the medication on the Internet to obtain this information.
5. After carefully weighing the “pros and cons”. would you take this medication if you needed to or recommend it to a close friend or family member? State at least 3 specific reasons why or why not.
6. What schedule of medication is it. according to the schedules I-V?
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In cases where the assignment does not specify a specific file format. you must work via hctroesodfrtoOp box. format (Power Point. Word. Excel. etc.) in order to submit your