Choose three main topics that stood out to you personally in your readings from the resources in Week 1.Analyze

Week 1 introduced you to current issues in teaching English Language Learners in the United States. In the course resources, you have read about terminology and research-based practice, including the four skills, first and second language literacy, language acquisition, comprehensible input, the critical period hypothesis, and accent, and preeminent theorists in SLA including Krashen and other theorists.

Choose three main topics that stood out to you personally in your readings from the resources in Week 1.
Analyze your chosen topics.
Connect theory and practice for teachers of ELL students with examples of how the theories of language learning apply to classroom-based instruction.
Length: 3 to 4-page paper, plus reference list

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current