Describe the manufacturer and distributor’s results based on debrief content that you have placed in the appendices of the paper.

Game Experience: Debrief (1/2 page)

Describe the manufacturer and distributor’s results based on debrief content that you have placed in the appendices of the paper.
Game Experience: Debrief Analysis (1/2 page)

Through research, analyze the results and apply to real-world applications. (research required)
Best Practices Supplier Selection (3/4 page)

Research best practices for supplier selection. (research required)
Connect with game results. Assess how actions of the manufacturer and distributor affected the supply chain. (research required)
Lean & Agile (3/4 page)

Explain how lean and agile techniques could help optimize the supply chain. (research required)

Screenshot and paste the Debriefs for each of the two games you played.

Manufacturer Role Game 1: Global results
Manufacturer Role Game 1: The four charts
Distributor Role Game 2: Global results
Distributor Role Game 2: The four charts
Effective academic and research writing requires a 3rd person voice. This SLP will be written in 3rd person. Do not use any quotations. Refer to yourself in third-person as “participant” or you can write about what the “player” will do, rather than saying “I” and “we.” Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” for Assignment-Driven Criteria, Critical Thinking, and Assignment Organization and Quality of References on the grading rubric.