Discuss your personal level of effort and engagement in 145 this semester. How are you doing in the course and do you feel your understanding of diversity/ethnic studies is expanding? What do you think personally accounts for how you are doing in the course and how your understanding is expanding?

2-3 pages in MLA (double-spaced with proper page heading: full name, course ID, assignment, due date)

Respond to both sets of questions (5% of your semester grade):

(1) Self-assessment: Discuss your personal level of effort and engagement in 145 this semester. How are you doing in the course and do you feel your understanding of diversity/ethnic studies is expanding? What do you think personally accounts for how you are doing in the course and how your understanding is expanding?

(2) Course assessment: Discuss the course content and classroom processes in 145 this semester. How do you feel the content and processes are contributing to your understanding of diversity/ethnic studies? What specific aspects of the content and classroom processes might contribute to or confuse your understanding in the topics discussed?