Discuss,Your first big case is a multiple murder. As the defense attorney representing the killer, you have come to the realization that he really did break into a couple’s home and torture and kill them in the course of robbing them of jewelry and other valuables. He has even confessed to you that he did it. However, you are also aware that the police did not read him his Miranda warnings and that he was coerced into giving a confession without your presence. What should you do?

Scenario: Defense Attorney Representing Suspected Killer

Your first big case is a multiple murder. As the defense attorney representing the killer, you have come to the realization that he really did break into a couple’s home and torture and kill them in the course of robbing them of jewelry and other valuables. He has even confessed to you that he did it. However, you are also aware that the police did not read him his Miranda warnings and that he was coerced into giving a confession without your presence. What should you do?

Do each step all five of them
Please answer all question you didn’t last time everything in your own words no citing anything

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