Do the results suggest that we use top-down or bottom-up information in lexical access? Explain

1) Experiment 1: Experimental design [4 points] •Using an example from the appendix, explain what a trial would have looked like in Experiment •Describe atrial for the primary meaning and its control as well as a trial for the secondary meaning and its control. Explain why the controls were included.2) Experiment 2: Experimental design [4 points]•Explain what is different in the experimental design for Experiment 2•What was the purpose in running Experiment 2? 3) Results: Experiment 1 vs Experiment 2 [4 points] •Compare the results of Experiments 1 and 2•What are the differences and similarities between the findings of the two experiments? 4) Theoretical Implications [4 points] •Do the results suggest that we use top-down or bottom-up information in lexical access? Explain your answer•may refer to the Swinney (1979) study if you wish.
5) Using an alternative experimental method [4 points] •Imagine you wanted to run these experiments using the visual world eye-tracking paradigm, instead of cross-modal priming.•Describe what a critical trial would look like in your hypothetical experiment•Use an example from the appendix•What would be the predictions of this experiment?