Based on the given theory,ive a practice scenario that fits the theory (what behavior, phenomenon, or action does the theory explain

Marcia’s Categories of Identity Theory- is the chosen theory!!
Attached is information on the theory to help you get started!

Directions: Based on the given theory, 1)give a practice scenario that fits the theory (what behavior, phenomenon, or action does the theory explain; 2) provide an appropriate practice model (what actual intervention (model) will I use based on the defined problem and theory?); 3 provide an appropriate perspective (based on the actual intervention (model) I choose, is there an actual perspective or point of view that will aid me in practice?) 4) Provide an actual intervention or tool that will aid you (based on the actual practical example you give, tell me what you’d actually do in practice).

You choose the theory ( You only have to choose 1 theory for this assignment)

– In the provided directions there are 4 parts that should be covered

– The final submission should be in APA format and cover all 4 areas addressed in the assignment directions. There is no minimum or maximum page requirement; insure all material is covered thoroughly.