Identify and summarize the study gaps a summary of all the gaps identified in the literature reviewed. In addition to the prose summary, you should provide a table showing a summary of empirical studies and knowledge gaps with the following headings, Author, Area of study, Objectives, Methodology, Key Findings, Knowledge Gaps, Contribution of the Current study( how the study will address the gap )

1.Theoretical LiteratureTheoretical Literature Review  Review theories underpinning the study 
Identify specific theories or theories the study is anchored on and link theory to study objectives and conceptual, framework. Recite current studies. At least discussing each theory which should be identified and discussed while the anchor theory is clearly stated and a clear justification given why it has been chosen as the anchor theory.

2.Review of inter-variable relationships (Empirical review) Entails discussion of the hypotheses theoretical/ empirical/ contextual arguments based on extant literature pointing out contradictions. Conceptual, contextual, and empirical arguments based on each hypothesis showing clearly the linkage of literature review to the research questions. Recite current studies and have additional studies. Focus on empirical studies/scientifically done in the area clearly indicating methodology results/findings/ conclusions of a study showing the study gaps.

3. Identify and summarize the study gaps a summary of all the gaps identified in the literature reviewed. In addition to the prose summary, you should provide a table showing a summary of empirical studies and knowledge gaps with the following headings, Author, Area of study, Objectives, Methodology, Key Findings, Knowledge Gaps, Contribution of the Current study( how the study will address the gap )