The student will write a reflective essay (2500 words) on a health promotion or illness prevention strategy implemented in their nursing practice.
The submission will reflect the student’s chosen field of nursing
LO1 Consider what is health promotion? How does the NMC Code (2018) define health promotion? How does the world health organisation talk about health promotion? Read Naidoo and Wells (2016) Foundations for health promotion. (Available as e-book online)
LO2 Find out what epidemiological, demographic and genomic data is. e.g. In promoting the health of those with learning difficulties and cancer diagnosis? What is the prevalence of this? Is there increased liklihood of certain co-morbidities? Whos says? What does Public Health England say? Any statistics there?
LO3 Other than a learning difficulty what else would we take into consideration in promoting health for this sector of the population? What does the Marmot review say? What are the social and environmental considerations for this population.
LO4 What do we mean by collaborative approaches for promotiong health? Who might a nurse collaborate with to promote health for someone with learning difficulties and cancer diagnosis? What does good nursing practice look like in this instance? Who says? How do nurses work with families and wider systems around an individual?
LO5 What is the role of the oncology nurse in promoting health? If you did not see it on this occasion, what does the literature say?
under any circumstances no any plagiarism, please, high quality work, please, follow instructions given above, please. If you need more details and any questions, please let me know asap.