Analyze the three systems in terms of how they affect your organization directly. Indicate what steps you would take as a leader that demonstrates that you can see the bigger picture (systems-level thinking) to ensure they do not affect the company or have as little effect as possible.

For this assignment, you will continue to use the company that you have been using throughout the course up to this point.

McDonald’s Corporation (Famous Fast-Food Brand)

Select three systems external to the organization that is either affected by your organization or that affects your organization in terms of achieving its strategies.
Analyze the three systems in terms of how they affect your organization directly.
Indicate what steps you would take as a leader that demonstrates that you can see the bigger picture (systems-level thinking) to ensure they do not affect the company or have as little effect as possible.
As an example, if an organization was in the food service industry, there are many factors that can affect your industry from supplies not being available because of weather or the rising prices of food or because of crops being flooded somewhere that year. Another could be that there is a lack of qualified labor because the unemployment rate is way down because the economy is doing well. Another could be an issue with food safety or increased government regulations and standards, global political instability, tariffs, etc. None of these have anything to do with what that company specifically did, but all of them influence that company, how it operates, how it competes in the market, and its ultimate success.

Length: 3 – 5 pages

References: Include a minimum of five scholarly resources.

Your document should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.