Describe your personal nursing philosophy (often this philosophy aligns with your personal beliefs and values and where they were developed [family, friends, school, etc]). You can use first person in this paper you will need a reference page

Assignment #3: about 5 pages NOT counting the title page and reference page. You do NOT need an abstract with this assignment
Present a personal reflection paper about your personal nursing philosophy (often this philosophy aligns with your personal beliefs and values and where they were developed [family, friends, school, etc]). You can use first person in this paper
you will need a reference page
Once you have presented your nursing philosophy, discuss how it aligns with one of the nursing theories you have studied this term (or before)
Then discuss how your chosen theory might not be the right fit in an identified clinical situation
Lastly, have a closing paragraph that ties everything together
since this is a personal paper, it is OK to use first person. REMEMBER – what is your nursing value system and where did you first learn about values