Calculate descriptive statistics for each of the three variables: Mean, median, mode, standard deviation and interpret them in narrative form. Pearson Product Moment Correlations between all three variables. Interpret these findings.

This assignment contains two datasets, one in an Excel file and the other in an SPSS data file, both containing the same data. The dataset contains three variables: age measured in years, engagement (average score of a survey on a five-point Likert scale), and extroversion (average score of a survey on a five-point Likert scale). The higher the Likert scale numbers, the more engaged and/or extroverted the person is. Once you have completed your analysis, please upload your manuscript with narrative explanations of the findings, the Excel file containing the results of your analysis, and the SPSS output file also providing the results of your analysis.

In this assignment, please calculate the following in both Excel and SPSS:

Calculate descriptive statistics for each of the three variables:
Mean, median, mode, standard deviation and interpret them in narrative form.
Pearson Product Moment Correlations between all three variables. Interpret these findings.
For this assignment, upload three files: the narrative, the Excel file, and the SPSS output file.

References: Include a minimum of 6 resources (remember that software used to generate research findings are considered to be resources)