Identify and describe at least four operational problems facing UTM as a result of its current infrastructure solution.

Following are the questions you have to answer :
1. Identify and describe at least four operational problems facing UTM as a result of its current infrastructure solution. [4 marks]
2. For each identified problem, identify at least one associated risk/threats or vulnerabilities. [4 marks] 3. For each identified risk assess the likelihood of their occurrence . You may use a rating 1-5 to quantify your assessments . [4 marks]
4. For each identified risk assess its/their impact on the business. You may use a rating 1-5 to quantify your assessments . [4 marks]
5. Calculate the overall risk value for each identified risk (Impact X likelihood of occurrence) to give a measure of overall risk. The risk value must be proportional to the value of loss/damage and to the estimated frequency of the threat (0.25 X 4=1). [4 marks]
6. For each measured and quantified risk, proposed a suitable response.[5 marks]