Describe how the brain and various parts may be involved, affected and/or responsible for the resulting impairment/sequelae. If this is mental health sequelae (anxiety, depression), explain how an injury to the brain can result in the emergence or exacerbation of symptoms. Link this to existing research regarding brain involvement and injury.

For this assignment, you must write an academic reflection containing the following:
Describe how the brain and various parts may be involved, affected and/or responsible for the resulting impairment/sequelae. If this is mental health sequelae (anxiety, depression), explain how an injury to the brain can result in the emergence or exacerbation of symptoms. Link this to existing research regarding brain involvement and injury.
Detail the use of one concept/principle of applied behaviour analysis that could be applied to treat this impairment. Link to academic resources.
Reflect on the stigma that is associated with acquired brain injury. How might someone with an ABI experience discriminatory behaviour from others? What might be some systemic barriers or obstacles for people with ABI?