Identify the main characteristics of whatever philosophy you have identified and then decide if it is valid.

[October 12, 2020 15:01] 10/12/2020 3:56PM EST

PLEASE refer my assignment to someone who would understand what is required.

The work was not completely answered as per the instructions attached. Missed out 1st 3 questions
Also, I do not use Ibid for referencing please, full referencing

I just want to add additional guidance to the writer about Venter’s article.

He must look at this and see if his response is in alignment with this:
This is a much more difficult question than it at first appears to be. Venter is dealing with issues of constitutional interpretation and his approach to that can be regarded as his philosophy. It would be a good idea to first establish what he is rejecting as that is easier. That will guide you to seeing what he is actually proposing. You will need to dig deep and see beyond the obvious.

Question 2: Once you have identified the philosophy in question 1, you can now move on to explaining the philosophy. For this you use the study guide. Remember to identify the main characteristics of whatever philosophy you have identified and then decide if it is valid.

Question 3: You can use ANY philosophy you have studied. You need not come up with a new one! For example, if you discuss Critical Gender Theory, you can criticise it using feminism. Or positivism. Or whatever. You get the point. And no, I’m NOT suggesting that is what Venter used….

This is not the missing questions, this is what he has answerd but must check if in alignment with the lecturers gudance. he must still anwer the missing questions in the instructions