Discuss how AI software can be augmented with the future of your industry and how it will impact the nature of your job in the future.

Part 1 (Topic 3 materials):
(1) Within the context of predicting what the preferable future of your work will be like, discuss how AI software can be augmented with the future of your industry and
(2) how it will impact the nature of your job in the future. The aim of this discussion is to allow you to think about how you will be working with AI machines in the future and what do you think this relationship will be like, and how you can prepare for this future.
You might have briefly touched on how the nature of your work may change as you describe the preferable future in DB01. Do not repeat that here. Instead, in this DB, focus deeper on the development of the work relationship between you (as the human) and your work partners (the AI machines or a system of machines). Give concrete examples.

(3) More importantly, discuss how subtopic 3 (human attributes required to co-exist with machines) is relevant in developing this mindset among employees to embrace this augmented future of work and how do you motivate those who are blinded by their own manufactured normalcy.

Once again, everyone is expected to comment on each other’s answers, especially on how you think the nature of the job will change based on the type of AI or technology that will be implemented in that particular industry. Comment also on each other’s recommendations on how those who are resistant to change can be motivated.

Part 2 (Topic 4 materials):

(4) Based on what you have discussed above, pick a partner in the DB, and propose a 4B plan for your partner’s company.  The aim here is to see if you are flexible enough to apply the 4B in someone else’s work environment.

The other partner will do likewise for your company. Critique each other’s plans based on your understanding of the 4B model and whether it is a realistic plan.