Discuss What steps should parties or stakeholders take to manage or eliminate the risks or problems that arise?

1 page research for each question and the question has to be linked to the three highflyers issues which are
• Offences that may have been committed by Ben and Stef, or which they might commit imminently.
• In relation to those offences, what the Herald might or might not be able to publish, and (if timing matters) when.
• Issues that may be of particular concern to the journalist with regard to the police. for each point discuss o What is the issue?
o Why does it arise, given the facts and the law?
o How does it affect the relevant parties?
o What are the risks or problems (including risks of legal liability) that arise? How significant are those risks or problems, and how likely is legal liability?
o What steps should parties or stakeholders take to manage or eliminate the risks or problems that arise?
o Are there potential counter-arguments that may need to be anticipated and addressed?