What is the budgeting format used and the important information it contains?Discuss.

1.What is the budgeting format used and the important information it contains? . Why is the format used by DJJ?

What are some of the strengths and weaknesses for DJJ?

2.Who in DJJ prepares and approves the budget request?

What they do? How important they are?

How they define “agency budget success”?

3.Strategies DJJ uses to promote its budget request and the success of these strategies?
What are the most important factors that affect the DJJ success in getting its budget approved and why each factor is so important?

4.Who outside of DJJ review and approves the budget request, what they do, and how important they are to the budget process

.5.What charges you believe are needed in the budget format and process to enhance the DJJ’s policy decision-making and implementation. Why are the changes needed?