What kinds of magazines, journals, newspapers, books, Internet sites, or governmental databases provide the best sources of information and/or debate on this subject and why?

The Purpose
The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Each annotation should summarize the content of your source and explore the strength of the source by analyzing and evaluating the amount and quality of information contained within it. The following questions might help you focus your analysis of each source:
Who tends to write about this topic and why?
What questions tend to be asked about this topic?
What positions tend to be taken toward the topic?
What sorts of journals tend to publish information about this subject?
What kinds of magazines, journals, newspapers, books, Internet sites, or governmental databases provide the best sources of information and/or debate on this subject and why?
What questions are left unasked and/or unanswered?