Discuss Who would be the typical viewer or customer for this ad, and does the viewer need any special knowledge, vocabulary, or background to understand the ad?

*First compose this assignment using MS Word.

*Do not include direct quotes from another source in your post unless you properly use quotation marks and citations. All writing not in quotation marks and not cited must be your own.

In this assignment, you create a Rhetorical Analysis of a single image from an advertisement. Specifically, you will answer several questions.

Locate a single image that advertises a product, service, or brand that was published within the last 12 months and that can be found online. To understand what is meant by a single image that advertises a product, service, or brand, review this blog post to learn more. And review this post on Bored Panda as well. Do not choose an ad from these two sources, so look for an ad that does not appear on these two blogs. A single image means one static image, not a video, not a gif, not anything other than an image. Then start reviewing websites, blogs, social media, anywhere online, to find an ad with artful, provocative content that will allow you to answer several questions.

Answer the following questions:

1. Consider the rhetorical situation, in particular the purpose and the audience of the ad you are analyzing. What is outstanding (good, bad, outrageous, noteworthy, unusual) about the ad? Paste the link to the image at the beginning of your paragraph. You can first save the image and then upload it to Imgur so that you have a permanent link to the image.
Write one paragraph. 3-5 Sentences.

2. Who would be the typical viewer or customer for this ad, and does the viewer need any special knowledge, vocabulary, or background to understand the ad?
Answer in 3-5 sentences

3. What is the designer’s goal in creating the ad, and what other information does the designer include that suggests their purpose? Go beyond simple statements such as “The ad wants you to buy the product” and look at the deeper reasons why this ad might affect someone’s ideas about the product advertised.
Answer in 3-5 sentences

4. How does the style and design of the ad reflect both the subject matter and the reasons someone would want to buy the product advertised?
Answer in 3-5 sentences

5. Craft an analytical thesis that identifies the pattern you observe or a decision you have made about the ad. Refer to Chapter 4-5a at the end of Chapter 4 to learn more about an analytical thesis.
Answer in 1-2 sentences