What do you think makes this concept so crucial, both in a practical and a symbolic sense? Explain.

• In 5-6 paragraphs, address the following: 1. What do you think makes this concept so crucial, both in a practical and a symbolic sense? Explain. 2. Describe in detail one real-world or hypothetical scenario where interoperability communications were not achieved but were necessary. ■ What might be the consequences of this failure? Explain in detail. ■ Did the lack of interoperability significantly impact the outcome, in your estimation? Why or why not? ■ What recommendations would you provide to overcome this lack of interoperability for those involved in the scenario or other crisis responders? ■ Your recommendations can be your own, drawn from other sources where properly cited, or a combination of these. 3. The term and concept of interoperabilityoften evokes its annliratinninr rommiinicationc
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