Explain this case from your perspective and its implications on the USA and Denmark’s diplomatic relations.

You are in the role of the USA diplomat in Copenhagen, Denmark. Please carefully analyze this incident’s available information and write a classified diplomatic cable of up to 800 words. In the cable, explain this case from your perspective and its implications on the USA and Denmark’s diplomatic relations. The prominent American diplomat, the president of the American Academy of Diplomacy, Ronald Neumann, thinks that “the important things in writing a telegram, a cable, are to convey important information succinctly, well-written and in a way that will catch the attention of a policymaker.”

In writing the diplomatic cable, please use the advice of Peter Galbraith on “How to Write a Cable.” Also, in the Wikileaks’ “Public library of US diplomacy,” you can find samples of classified reports prepared by U.S. diplomats.

Please remember that emotional intelligence, candor, accuracy, and analytic capabilities allow diplomats to make a difference in official communications and write a cable that “in the ferocious competition for the attention of the secretary” is more likely to be read.