Why did this person get involved in their field of work? (What were the injustices they saw/experienced that makes/made them do this?)

Topic: Jamie Margolin

Paper details:

Answer the following questions your chosen individual, and present your information on Google Slides or Power Point.
1. Who is/was this person?
a) When and where they were born? c) Provide a picture of this person.
b) What does/did this person do?
2. How is/was this person working in the service of others?
a) Why did this person get involved in their field of work? (What were the injustices they saw/experienced that makes/made them do this?)
3. How do/did they exemplify the meaning of living justly?
a) Refer to and pick a Catholic Social Teaching Theme, a type of justice, and apply it to living justly. This theme and justice should be briefly described and applied to chosen person living justly.
4. What was/is their impact on society?
*A Works Cited Page in proper MLA format must be provided listing all the sources you used in your research. This should be on the last slide. The rubric is on the next page.
I want this done in google slides. Every question should be its own seperate slide you know?