Describe the general appearance of the community, the condition of housing, the presence of stores needed by the population.

Working in groups of three to four students choose a community and assess the community according to the following guidelines.
Using APA format (10%), organize the paper according to:
A. The Assessment (40%)
B. Health Problem Identification (10%)
C. Proposed Intervention (40%)
D. Paper Mechanics and APA (10%)

A. Assessment (40%)
The Environment (15%)
Include (and label) the “Windshield Survey”; in one or two paragraphs, discuss what you observed in the ride through the community and the time of day.
Describe the general appearance of the community, the condition of housing, the presence of stores needed by the population.
Describe the individuals observed (children, adults, young, old, etc.) when the Windshield Survey was done.

Physical Characteristics including:
Windshield Survey:
Boundaries: natural and man made
urban vs. suburban vs. rural
residential vs. commercial;
type of housing – single family vs. multiple family units
condition of housing
availability of low -income housing

Type of industry and/or commercial endeavors
Community services:
recreation facilities; availability of free or low-cost facilities
Safety: level of crime
Health resources: availability of MCH, MH
Educational institutions: student achievement, high school drop-out rate
Types of places of worship

Water supply
Sewage disposal
Trash disposal
Levels of pollution: air & water

The Population (20%)
General Characteristics: (5%)
Demographics: number and distribution by:
Ethnic/minority groupings
Educational level
Socioeconomic status
Unemployment rate
Single parent households
Birth and death rates (life expectancy)

Health Characteristics: (5%)
Identify the five leading causes of mortality in this community.
Identify the five leading causes of morbidity for this community.
Identify the leading health indicators for this community.

Vulnerable populations (5%)
Identify vulnerable populations in the community, based on population, health characteristics and all the data from the assessment.

Summary of data collected about the community (5%)
Describe the status of the community by identifying the strengths, weaknesses, and trends. What challenges are facing the community?

A MINIMUM OF 3-5 Tables/figures are required to present the data.
Significance of the data presented must be represented. Full credit must be given to any table, map, or other information from an outside source and there must be reference to the information in the narrative. (5%)

Sources of Data: Libraries, maps, census tract maps and data, health departments, materials describing the community, (local papers) interviews with community leaders, health care providers, health and social service agencies, windshield survey, written surveys, local realtors, survey of community members, local and state vital statistics, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, US Census Report, the Internet.) Refer to references provided by the Librarian in the presentation

B. Community Health Problem (10%)

Actual Health Problems (2%)
Identify actual health problems in this community. Substantiate your findings with data from your assessment.
Potential Health Problems (3%)
Identify two or three potential health problems.
Support with evidence found during the community assessment
Identification of affected populations (5%)
Identify the groups in the community who are most susceptible to the actual and potential health problems identified above.

C. Proposed Intervention: (38%)
In this section, the student groups will work together to develop a program that is suitable to be carried out by community nurses to address the problem.
Choose one health problem from your selection of actual or potential health problems
Support the need for this program with evidence found on the community assessment (5%)

Based on your community and problem identification, develop a program to address one of the identified community’s health problem. (10%)
The program should be developed using the logic model completed in the draft assignment. Objective should be developed using SMART goals as a framework. Please attach the logic model as an appendix to the paper
Discuss any Healthy People 2030 Objectives that relate to the planned program.

Identify intervention(s) for one of these health problems. (8%)
The intervention should be designed to either prevent, identify, or modify the prevalence of the health problem in the community.

Describe specifics interventions of the program; include who will provide what interventions over what time frame. If education is part of the intervention, give specifics as to the information to be provided, who will provide the education, what methods will be used and how learning will be evaluated.

Identify if the interventions are at the primary, secondar, and tertiary levels of prevention.

The chosen interventions must:
be specific to the problem;
be reasonable and appropriate for a nurse to carry out;
Reflect consideration and application of the various nursing roles.

Determine the resources necessary to carry out these interventions (5%)
Consider the cost of materials, staffing needs, facilities, other stakeholders

How would you evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions? (10%)
Identify the criteria you would use
What are the short- term goals and long -term goals?
If your interventions were successful, what outcomes would you expect?
Where will you find the evidence of these outcomes