Discuss why you wish to follow this programme,the benefits you expect to gain from it

LINK to the program Please mention things from this:

the questions to answer:
– why you wish to follow this programme
– the benefits you expect to gain from it
– the skills and experience you possess which make you a suitable applicant

I want a personal statement that mentions I have experience in semi conductor manufacturing.. i have attached my resume to show this.. i have worked in a cleanroom before, worked with manufacturing etc. i want to do this program bc semi conductors are important for future technologies (more info about this on the website please use things they mention) and i want to continue research i have started during my undergrad. I want to mention I want to be an engineering professor hence my MSc at ucl to better my teacher and this phd is a way to advance my tech knowledge.. also mention my tutoring from undergrad and pgta work now

^^ these are just some things i want to mention but i hope the writer will add more things from myCV