Explore the ways the authors use conflict to create a dramatic ending and/or characters.

Select 1 Prompt

1. How do the authors use imagery to create a memorable setting?

2. How do the authors use irony to create a dramatic ending?

3. How does the authors’ use of diction evoke sympathy for the protagonist?

4. Explore the ways the authors use conflict to create a dramatic ending and/or characters.

5. Explore the ways the authors use fa6.

Explore the ways in which two short story writers use the thematic concept of revenge to create a powerful effect.

7. How do two of the short story writers powerfully convey the theme of control within the short stories? “Ming’s Biggest Prey”“The Phoenix”Things to Consider: The theme/genre of the stories when making your comparisons.Do not forget to stay on task and answer the prompt. Well written responses that do not address the prompt will receive a failing mark.Correctly incorporate at least 8 meaningful quotes.Word Count 600-1000 words (roughly 2 ½ pages)Rubrics 6 Traits Writing RubricCambridge RubricCoursework Essay Rubric (Cambridge + 6 Traits)Coursework Essay #1 – Short Stories Coursework Essay #1 – Short StoriesCreate a Google Doc and title it “Coursework Essay #1.” Move it to your English Folder and begin working on the outline and essay 2 Stories******If you are planning on taking the Coursework Exam this year,you must select a bolded prompt and two bolded stories******

How do the authors use imagery to create a memorable setting?

How do the authors use irony to create a dramatic ending?How does the authors’ use of diction evoke sympathy for the protagonist?

Explore the ways the authors use conflict to create a dramatic ending and/or Explore the ways the authors use fantastical elements to create a compelling story.

Explore the ways in which two short story writers use the thematic concept of revenge to create a powerful effect.

How do two of the short story writers powerfully convey the theme of control within The theme/genre of the stories when making your comparisons.Do not forget to stay on task and answer the prompt. Well written responses that do mpt will receive a failing mark.Correctly incorporate at least 8 meaningful quotes.1000 words (roughly 2 ½ pages)Coursework Essay Rubric (Cambridge + 6 Traits)Create a Google Doc and title it

“Coursework Essay #1.” Move it to your English you must select a How does the authors’ use of diction evoke sympathy for the protagonist?

Explore the ways the authors use conflict to create a dramatic ending and/or ntastical elements to create a compelling story.

Explore the ways in which two short story writers use the thematic concept of How do two of the short story writers powerfully convey the theme of control within