Analyze using SPSS, on a random sample of 100 workers to determine if current salary can be predicted using the variables and data provided by HR.

Area 1: Penny tells you to analyse the data from the beginning of January 2019. Penny wants you to represent the decreasing demand for this product, using SPSS, in a chart and use it to build a simple linear regression model from January 2019. The chart is then to be used to forecast the mean time at which the number of sales hits the critical limit of 450 units, including its 95% confidence interval. Penny also wants to know the earliest and latest times, based on the 95% individual prediction limits, of observing the critical level. Data is available in the ProductX Unit Sales.sav file.
Area 2: To assess the issues raised by HR, Penny wants you to conduct a multiple regression analyis, using SPSS, on a random sample of 100 workers to determine if current salary can be predicted using the variables and data provided by HR. Intially, you are expected to check for any potential multicollinearity issues using VIF values for all of the variables.
You are then to use the Automatic Linear Modelling tool within SPSS, with Forward Step-Wise and Adjusted R-Square in the Model Selection options. Use the output generated for this model to determine if workers complaints are valid or not. Data is in the Employee Data.sav file.
Area 3: Penny wants you to conduct time-series analyses in Excel, for Fast Flow’s unit sales. She is aware that seasonal fluctuations are present in the historical quarterly sales data and you must allow for this in your derived model. Furthermore, she wants you to produce appropriate charts of the historical and fitted data and also wants you to calculate the MAPE values for your model. Finally, you are to forecast the unit sales for the final two quarters of 2020 and all of 2021. Data is in the FastFlowSales.xlsx file.