Does the content relate to other things that you have learned in the course/program?


Each student is required to submit a one-page (double spaced) write-up on five articles/readings at the beginning of the class in which the article/reading is scheduled. The article write-ups are to be submitted on Canvas. The one-page write-up should explain the content of the article in your own words and discuss one key idea in the article/reading that you found to be interesting and include a brief explanation of why that idea is interesting to you. You are expected to paraphrase the language in the article and use your own words but if you do use exact phrases/sentences from the article please use quotation marks. In addition, the write-up should include one potential limitation of the article/reading. The five articles/readings are highlighted in bold in the course

schedule section.

You can keep the following points in mind as a general guidance for each article/reading:

• What topic does the reading cover?

• Why is the topic important?

• Consider the strengths of the reading.

• What are its limitations?

• What are the examples used by authors in the article/reading (if any)?

• What are the key points that the author(s) make?

• Is there anything interesting that you learned?

• Does the content relate to other things that you have learned in the course/program?

• Think of any additional real-world examples where this topic would apply.

• All submissions must be in double space using Times New Roman font 12 with one-inch margins.