What is your vision for the future of the nursing profession?Discuss

Items to be addressed in the paper:
Bellin College’s values must be addressed in the paper. It is your determination where the college’s values are most reflective and apply to your philosophy of nursing.
Referring to a nursing theorist: state how their theory will influence and guide you as you progress through the educational process of obtaining a BSN.
Referring to a definition of nursing > please do not use the definition from a dictionary >ANA and other sources have professional nursing definitions > summarize the definition and state what the definition means to you as a future Registered Nurse.
Choose an influential current nurse leader > there are many choices to chose from: board of nursing member, congressperson, military, nurse theorist, personal choice of a nurse who has influenced you > state how he/she has made an impact on the nursing profession.
What is your vision for the future of the nursing profession?