Critically evaluate, using evidence-based knowledge, the challenges of communicating and promoting the initiative to a target group related to your field.

What you need to do:

1. During the module you will be required to participate in a 20-minute group presentation to critically evaluate a health promotion initiative relevant to your field of practice. You will focus on the strengths, including the supporting biological theory, and the limitations of the initiative. Your presentation must be supported with relevant evidence and literature.

2. You will be split into small groups and expected to present with your allocated group to the other students in your field. Each group will receive both peer and facilitator feedback after the presentation. You will be expected to constructively comment on each other’s work in order to challenge ideas.

3. Each group will receive their mark for the presentation the following week (total 20%). This will be submitted onto Moodle by the module leader.

4. You must include your groups’ mark sheet with your essay. Failure to submit this will result in no marks being awarded.

5. In the 2,000-word essay, you will be asked to critically evaluate, using evidence-based knowledge, the challenges of communicating and promoting the initiative to a target group related to your field. You will be expected to explore these challenges in depth and demonstrate understanding of life course theory. This assessment will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to synthesise ideas, critically reflect upon and evaluate your own learning from having undertaken this module and to identify future personal and professional learning needs.