What message is the media example you selected sending? How does it connect to the theories we have learned about?


This assignment will require you to find one or more fashion media examples and critically analyze it using themes, topics, and theories we have learned about in class. The purpose of this paper (4-5 pages) is to explore how fashion and/or the fashion industry uses media as a form of communication. What message is the media example you selected sending? How does it connect to the theories we have learned about? You can use any fashion media, such as an advertisement, a commercial, magazine cover, photoshoot, etc. You must reference at least 4 sources, 2 of which must be academic in nature (such as a book or journal article). All images must also be cited.

Some points you need to pay attention:

Find an at least one image but not from Pinterest. Could be from Vogue, Runway

Stay away from Wikipedia.

One fashion media example, and you will critically analyze it using theories or themes we did in class. What kind of messages its sending? How fashion and media used as a communication tool? Could me ad or filmed commercial anything of your choice.

Ex: Magazine covers with Ashley graham analyzing the pieces of media those magazine covers were communication what messages whether intentionally or not?! How Ashley graham was covering only her body. Take a pause and critically analyze. Quite often we don’t realize how that information digested?

Hi there, you can read the instrustions above however I will also attach you a rubric PLS DO look at the every document I am attaching!!!

No plagirsm watch out you grammar and sentence structure!!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure you have a connections and it is really important that the essay flows.