Critically evaluate how someone with different values and beliefs might interpret these theories.

Task 1 Poster Presentation

Create a video presentation in a group (4/5) explaining and distinguishing the difference between the beliefs, attitudes and values of an organisation and analysing the contribution to the organisational success by using work place example. Apply the critical thinking models to show how organisations implement these values practically and the impact on its employees.

The Video presentation to be presented with each group member contributing 5 minutes to the presentation (20minutes per group). Ensure your words running behind these slides, and screens should be put into a transcript (500 – 1000 words) which will be uploaded to a separate Turnit Link and will be used for marking your assessment by 20/11/20 by 3pm.

Video to be submitted on 20/11/20.

General Information for Task 1 is shown in the notes below:

1. Presented in English: in an appropriate business/academic tone
2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment
3. Length: 5 minutes MAXIMUM Per Student +/- 1 minute MAXIMUM
Please note between 10% and 25% above the time limit – Deduction of 5 marks off final mark;
between 25% and 50% above the time limit – Deduction of 10 marks off final mark.
4. The student must be ‘seen and heard’- the presentation content must be brought to life by the presenter’s narration, with a visual appearance made.
5. NOTE: 20% of marks, from skills for professional practice, will be awarded for how the video presented has been created and delivered. Work should be coherent and well-structured in presentation and organisation. Remember the context of the assignment: who the audience is, and the professional expectations on how the key messages should be communicated.

Task 2 Report

The student will produce an individual 2500 word formal report which is to consider the critical analysis of management theories relevant to an organisational example and critically assess the impact of these theories on the beliefs, attitudes and values of the organisation and looking at the importance of aligning the values of its employees with those the organisation. Critically evaluate how someone with different values and beliefs might interpret these theories. Finally how would you align your personal Values, attitudes and Beliefs with the organisational example used in your report?

Ensure the report is structured as a formal report and ‘Harvard’ referencing is used