Describe what made the team effective. Did your team have some or all of the key characteristics of effective teams covered in your reading? Provide examples.



Your narrative should be a minimum of one short introduction paragraph and a maximum of three paragraphs. Word totals for each question should be in the 100–200-word range. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate.


Think of a team that you consider successful. It could be a sports or project team that you were a part of, a professional sports team, or a business team. If necessary, conduct research on the team to help you answer the following questions. If you do conduct research, please be sure to cite it in your post.

Respond to ALL of the following questions:

Describe what made the team effective. Did your team have some or all of the key characteristics of effective teams covered in your reading? Provide examples.

How did the team set goals and choose its members? Do you think the team’s success depended on these processes? Why or why not?

Describe a time when conflict arose within the team. What was the cause of the conflict, and how was it resolved.