Discuss Is there a difference in the characteristics (age, gender, GPA, and student type) of the students enrolled in the three sections of BA 100?


1. Using the document BA 100 Cohort Study Report (File Attached) complete the following: Chapter 4: Findings of the Survey – Using all of the summary tables below, write a descriptive report on the results of the survey. You are strongly encouraged to add graphics and figures (similar to Figure 1) to what is provided in the next few pages. In your discussion, be sure to provide answers to the research questions and research objectives contained in the Research Proposal

2. Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations.

The sections you need to complete in this document are in red font. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.

General Research Questions: Does the BA 100 cohort system promote overall student satisfaction, better first-year college experience, improve retention rate?

Specific Research Questions:

Is there a difference in the characteristics (age, gender, GPA, and student type) of the students enrolled in the three sections of BA 100?

Is there a difference in student experience, perceptions, and plans for Fall 2014 among the students of the three sections of BA 100?

Is there a difference in satisfaction level among the various student groups by category (year level, where they are from, etc.)

Is there a difference in the plan (return or not) for Fall 2014 among the students in the three sections (Ashland-Monday Cohort, Ashland Saturday, Online Section)?

Is there a difference in the plan (return or not) for Fall 2014 between the student type (SOU Exclusive versus Transfer Student)?

What are the major reasons for students’ plans for not returning to SOU in 2014?