Discuss whether the reading level is appropriate for patients (no higher than 6th grade). If the reading level is higher (more difficult), talk about how you would revise the document for easier readability.


Go to

• Click on Health Topics

• Choose a body location, disorder or health/wellness

• Narrow your option by choosing a specific disease, disorder, etc

• Scroll down to Patient Handouts and choose one

• Copy and paste the handout into a Word document

• Use the Fleisch-Kincaid tool to identify the reading level of the patient handout

• Submit the patient handout word document, the results of the Fleisch-Kincaid.

Discuss whether the reading level is appropriate for patients (no higher than 6th

grade). If the reading level is higher (more difficult), talk about how you would

revise the document for easier readability.

• This should be a 3-4-page paper in APA 7

th ed. format.

COVID-19 was selected.

Key components of the paper should included

Clearly state the topic and how search was narrowed

Explain why the handout was chosen

Identify the reading level and results of Fleisch-Kincaid tool

Discuss if reading level is appropriate for patients

Ideas for revisions

Summarize findings