Pick 1 of the 2 parables (The Parable of the Good Samaritan or the Parable of the Mustard Seed) or 1 of the 2 sermons (Sermon on the Plain or Deer Park Sermon). Pick just 1 source for this assignment.
Express in your own words 2 moral lessons that you could learn from hearing/reading one of the parables or sermons. Each post should contain the following to receive credit:
First Moral Idea or Life Lesson
Describe 1 moral idea or life lesson
Explain how the story or sermon illustrates this idea
Express how ordinary people could use this lesson in their lives in the modern world.
Second Moral Idea or Life Lesson
Describe 1 moral idea or life lesson
Explain how the story or sermon illustrates this idea
Express how ordinary people could use this lesson in their lives in the modern world.