How does the information in the book compare to academic journals written on the same topic?

The following is a suggested outline for your profile report.
Title page
Include the full APA formatted reference as well as a picture of the front cover, # of pages, and a quick review (125 words or less), your rating (out of 5 stars).
Introduction (.5 pages)
Get the reader’s attention
Provide a clear road map for your analysis
Offer a clear thesis statement
Analysis and comparison to top academic research (2-3 pages)
What are the main topics covered in the book (relevant to BUSI 3104)?
How does the information in the book compare to academic journals written on the same topic?
How can this book help improve performance at work?
Is there any additional research on the topics in the book that you feel would enhance the book?
Personal effectiveness (1 page)
How can this book help graduates in their career?
How can the academic literature related to this book help graduates in their career?
Conclusion (.5 pages)
Summarize your main points.
What is your overall rating of this book and the related literature?
Would you recommend this book for other students in 3104?
What did you think of the author(s) (i.e. would you read another book by your author)?