How have organizations adapted and changed their structures to accommodate these challenges? Present an example of an organization that did this very well or one that did not. What were the consequences? What do you feel led to its success or failure?

Discussion 1:  Challenges of Organization Theory and Design

Today’s organization faces challenges that have required them to change radically. Among these are globalization, diversity, social responsibility, speed of communication, and technology. How have organizations adapted and changed their structures to accommodate these challenges? Present an example of an organization that did this very well or one that did not. What were the consequences? What do you feel led to its success or failure?

Discussion 2:  Social Media Message

Scenario:  You are the Communications Officer at Cool Cats, a retail clothing outlet that serves the tween market. You were just made aware that one of your overseas factories has experienced a major fire, and 13 of your employees died, while 27 other employees were critically injured. You have been asked to create a 250-word social media message to reassure the public that all your employees are valued, regardless of the location where they work. Be creative and convincing.