Identify, find and review scholarly and primary sources, demonstrating effective use of databases and other written sources. You may also use relevant audio-visual materials.



Assignment Description:

Please identify and discuss one of the international law issues raised by the Chagos Case

(Mauritius vs the UK). You must demonstrate knowledge and skills to:

– Identify a topic for legal analysis from an international law perspective. The topic must be related to sources of international law, subjects of international law, title to territory and/or self-determination.

– Identify, find and review scholarly and primary sources, demonstrating effective use of databases and other written sources. You may also use relevant audio-visual materials.

– Provide arguments well-founded in international law to advance your ideas.

– Write a well-structured and well-referenced paper.

– Evaluate the authority and relevance of different sources of information,

including peer’s work. Possible topics:


• Legality of the decolonisation process. Rules applicable to assess this question.

• Relevance of customary rules and others regarding uti possidetis juris/territorial integrity in determining the status of Chagos prior and after decolonisation

• Legal status of the Agreement between the UK and Mauritian Representatives of the country.

• Possible grounds to claim the invalidity of the agreement.

• Legal basis to defend or deny the existence of the right to self-determination

of Mauritius in this scenario.

• Legality and legal nature/status of the agreement between the USA and UK

• UK Declaration to ‘revert’ Chagos to Mauritius: analysis of unilateral acts

as binding obligations in general and in this scenario