Updated by BE 08/17/20
Case Study
This course requires that you complete
case study analyses from the list of four that
are below. It is your choice to pick which case
you wish to read and discuss. Your goal in
completing the analysis is to understand the facts and players involved and problem solve
ways a company or department could address the potential issues.
The four cases to choose from are all on
D2L under Materials -> Content ->Case
Study Materials. The choices for topics are:
Pay linked to diverse teams
Dealing with an aging workforce
Gender Transition in the workplace
Weight as a consideration for jobs
The case assignment should include these following sections:
Define the Problem
: What is the problem statement? What other issues do you
identify related to this problem? Any other important points to consider? This
introduction should not be longer than one page.
Propose Solutions:
Based on your initial read, wha
t solutions come to mind first
on the issues you have identified above?
This section is strictly your opinion and
insights based on experience.
Evaluate Potential Solutions:
Based on your own ideas of solutions and the
expert opinions, how feasible do you thin
k each solution is? What could/would be
the impact of each solution? This se
ction does require outside research. A
minimum of three sources, in addition to the expert opinions in the case study, is
Make Recommendations:
What are action-oriented recommendations based on
everything you have analyzed? Are there any limitations of the solution that need
to be considered? What analysis do you
think needs to happen in the future to
continue to re-evaluate the solution?
Review the
to understand expectations. (Located in the Contents section
under Case Study Materials.)
Case study should be long enough to co
nvey your points, usually ranging between
3-4 pages
APA format for this paper should be ad
hered to (12-point, Times New Roman,
and APA citations). Note: References ar
e required. At a minimum, you will be
referencing the Harvard Business Review (HBR) article you are reviewing.