Analyze the cause and effects of a topic in the news, using the news article as a primary source.

To write acause and effect essay, the writer will need to determine a scenario in which one action or event cause dcertaineffectsto occur. The focus of the essay will be to explain what took place and why. Claims of cause and effect argue that one person, thing, or event caused another thing or event to occur. The assignment is to write a fully-developed cause & effect essay (minimum of 650 words) in formal, proper essay style. Do not use first (I, me, us, we, our) or second (you, your) person point of view.Your essay must be double spacedand submitted as a Word document.To enhance your paper, you should use at least one researched source to support your ideas. You must properly document your sources using MLA style. You must have a proper Works Cited page. All sources listed on the Works Cited page must match in-text citations.Choose one of the following topics*:•The causes and effects of peer pressure•The causes and effects of bullying•The causes and effects of poverty on society•The causes and effects of people not voting in elections•The causes and effects of racial, gender, sexual, or religious discrimination•Thecauses and effectsof not keeping a personal budget•Thecauses and effectsof stress on employees or college students•The long-term effects of unemployment on a person and/or family•Thecauses and effectsof the rising obesity rate of children•Thecauses and effectsof homelessness in your community•Thecauses and effectsof eating disorders among young people•The causes and effects of war on the domestic budget•The causes and effects of mandatory prison sentences•The causes and effects of lack of affordable health care coverage•The causes and effects of crime on neighborhoods•The causes and effects of natural disasters•The causes and effects of assigning tariffs to all imported products*You can choose your own topic for this assignment, if you do not like any of the topics posted.You also can choose to analyze the cause and effects of a topic in the news, using the news article as a primary source.