Who are the characters? What kind of physical attributes do they possess? What group(s) do they represent? Are we supposed to be sympathetic to them? Should we admire them? Want to be who they are?


1. After reading two outside articles, use them to support any section of the paper. You may not use articles assigned in class. Find a commercial that supports your position (Stay in 3 rd Person). This means that although you personally might not agree that advertising has any effect at all on society, you as a writer need to write as though your ad is basically a manual on what is normal and right in society. What is your ad teaching us about what we are to value, how we should behave, and who matters? What is the worldview? If seen in another country, what would they think about Americans? Your ad must be approved by me before submitting the paper. Ads may not be older than 5 years. No acceptance of unapproved material.

2. The first step in your essay is describing your ad in as much detail as possible. Who are the characters? What kind of physical attributes do they possess? What group(s) do they represent? Are we supposed to be sympathetic to them? Should we admire them? Want to be who they are? Note: You’ll need far more detail than you think.

You can’t say too much. Use your finest observational and creative writing skills here.

Do not exceed 1/3 of the paper in length.

3. After writing a lengthy, thorough description, take into account the following questions. Some might not be relevant to your particular ad: Examine the world view promoted by this advertisement. Although in your heart you might believe that the ad is “just funny,” or “just an ad,” as a writer take on the assumption that this ad is disseminating a philosophical and political way of life. What is it? What does it show as core uniquely American Values if viewed in another country? Does it represent our society truthfully? What are the implications if society buys into it? What will our culture look like if we espouse what we are seeing? How does it reflect family, marriage, relationships, friendship, discipline, education, work ethic, industry, patriotism, nationalism, geo-politics…?

Stay in 3rd Person throughout the paper

Please use this ad:

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, this is worth a lot of points (: