Discuss on how these two concepts of “Worship” and “Sacrifice” are related. Use quotes from these chapters to back up your points.


Part I: Textbook: Read the two chapters below and post a reflection (150-200 words) on how these two concepts of “Worship” and “Sacrifice” are related. Use quotes from these chapters to back up your points.

Chapter 16: Worship

Chapter 17: Offering and Sacrifice

Part 2. The Book of Mormon: Videos and Post

Watch one or both of the following videos to give you some background to the Book of Mormon and the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints:

Read the “Book of Mormon – Uplifting Quotes”

Download the Book of Mormon from the “Latter Day Saints” folder in our Course Documents folder

Read the introduction and then choose ANY chapter and skim through it and post.

One inspiring verse

One confusing verse

One challenging verse

One verse that taught you something you didn’t know before

After watching the video(s) and reading from the Book of Mormon, post what if anything relates to what we’ve already read in course so far. Your post should be between 150-200 words.