Compare and Contrast “Why Is Everyone Always Stealing Black Music?” by Wesley Morris with “Azealia Banks, Iggy Azalea and Hip-hop’s Appropriation Problem” by Jeff Chang. Both of these texts address aspects of cultural appropriation in music.


Compare and Contrast “Why Is Everyone Always Stealing Black Music?” by Wesley

Morris with “Azealia Banks, Iggy Azalea and Hip-hop’s Appropriation Problem” by Jeff

Chang. Both of these texts address aspects of cultural appropriation in music. Please

write a unified essay that compares and contrasts the purpose, context, meaning and/or

style of each text. Be sure your thesis statement includes the main similarities and/or

differences between the two texts, and why those similarities and/or differences are

important. Please be specific in your answer, drawing on the texts to support your

assertions. You should use relevant quotes from the texts that are appropriately cited to

strengthen your arguments.

Final Draft Requirements:

1,000 – 1250 words, Times New Roman Font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins. For

your final draft, you must include evidence (quotes from both texts) and show that you

can successfully integrate the quotes into your essay. A final draft should be cohesive,

well-structured, and formulate a thesis about the two texts, rather than simply stating

that there are similarities and differences between the two texts.