Grammer and Syntax: 10pts
Narrative Structure: (Logic, Sequence of Discussions, Clarity, Organization) 10pts
Background: Is enough background provided to make the topic clear? Is the significance of the topic discussed? What are the questions being researched? What pathway(s) and pathway molecules will be discussed? 20pts
Body: What did the researchers ask? What methods did they use to answer these questions? What are the results and are they described clearly (use referenced figures from your research) ? Where the scientific questions directly related to mechanism seen in cell signaling? 40pts
Conclusions and Discussion: What did the researchers conclude from the results? Do you agree with them? Why or Why not? What, if any significant advances were made in the area of research? Where is the research going (what is currently being explored?) What are the implications of the work? (How can it contribute to the advancement in technology, health, agriculture etc) 20 pts