Provide complete site and source information, using the Internet and identify the site, article name, date found, and author.


Research news articles about police use of force incidents that have resulted in lawsuits filed against police officers and police agencies. Research and choose an article that speaks to this.

Based on the article you choose, write a one page essay responding to the following questions.

1) Provide complete site and source information, using the Internet and identify the site, article name, date found, and author.

2)Identify and summarize the legal claims set forth in the article.

3) Summarize the article you found and why you found it interesting.

4) Give your opinion as to whether the claims were valid claims based on the information you found in the article.

5) As a supervisor, what steps would you follow to address future incidents?

Your research efforts, objectivity and thoroughness will garner most points, and you must respond at least twice to others to garner maximum points. Be responsive to the individual questions posited. Articles duplicating prior articles will not be accepted for points. Make sure you check before posting!

Total Essay Word Count: 1000 minimum, not counting the assignment repeated at the beginning.

DIRECTIONS: The course requirements include participation in discussions of the material covered in a particular week, in order to receive participation credit. Maximum Points Can Be Received Only If You Submit an Essay Which Discusses the Subject Of This Discussion Board Thoroughly; Then Respond At Least Two Times To The Submissions Of The Others In The Class.