What are the three leading causes of death, and which lifestyle behaviors are actually causing these statistics?


View an introduction to the Assessment. Be sure to adjust your audio settings.

Healthstyle: A Self-Test

For this Assessment you will write a 2-page paper describing the relationship between physical activity and benefits to your health as well as identifying how the components of fitness, performance, and wellness can contribute to life expectancy.


First, complete Health style: A Self-Test.

Then, respond to the following questions in a 2-page summary. Your summary should have a title page and reference page.

Discuss and interpret your results from each of the six sections of Healthstyle: A Self-Test.

Does your current lifestyle meet the guidelines set forth by the CDC? Do you consider yourself physically active? Why?

What are some behaviors you can change that will provide you with a longer, healthier life? Refer to your lab results when answering these questions.

What are the three leading causes of death, and which lifestyle behaviors are actually causing these statistics?

Discuss the components of fitness, wellness, and performance and how these components can contribute to your life expectancy. (Refer to the Key Terms.)

Key Terms

While completing your Reading, be sure to focus on the following key terms and concepts:

Fitness Components:

Cardiorespiratory capacity

Muscular capacity


Body composition

Components of Performance:




Reaction time



Mental capability

Components of Wellness:

Social health

Mental health

Emotional health

Spiritual health