Why is this better than the other 2 options you considered? Why should the reader want to implement your recommendation.


please provide multiple recommendations with valid reasons and then choose the best of them because he said you gave me one solution. Then you recommend it you are not a good analytical person and he will deduct marks from me.

you need to contain the assignment within 1 page exactly, one extra word in a second page will count, and as the second page will let my lose the grade of page count as the instructor mentioned if you need the space to have the headings on the same line of the answer so you can contain it within a page.Consider removing the headings to give yourself more space to write additional information regarding the case.

The introductory paragraph should state what the key issue is that you will focus on in this document. This and the next paragraph are more like background information.

Remember, you are analyzing a case from the past – not talking about what’s happening today

in the recommendation, you need to strengthen your argument on the chosen solution by giving more concrete justification as to why this is the best solution. You need to write more to justify your recommendation. Why is this better than the other 2 options you considered? Why should the reader want to implement your recommendation. Be “powerful” in stating your case as to why this is the recommendation the company should pursue!bring in outside references that apply to this situation** Be Careful of **