Create a list of basic tools that an electrician would carry with them while wiring a residential structure (items in their tool belt).


Electrical and Mechanical Systems

Electrical “non-lab” Project

1. Create a list of basic tools that an electrician would carry with them while wiring a residential structure (items in their tool belt).

Include: the name, an image, and the cost.

Wire Stripper $ 27.28

2. List 3 apps that show how to wire residential electrical circuits.

Include: the name, an image of the app, brief description of the app, and the cost.

3. Find 6 images of the following types of circuits.

Include: the name of the circuit, and a clear image of the wired/complete circuit.

1. Three outlets in series.

2. One switch controls two lights.

3. Two switches control one light. (3 wire cable needed)

4. Three switches control two lights. (3 wire cable needed)

5. One outlet providing power to one light. Light controlled by a single switch.

6. One outlet split wired, one switch controls top outlet, bottom outlet always hot (3 wire cable needed).